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'CallbackType : Integer'


OnDraw: number

Fired every time the game renders a frame. Can be used to draw to the screen using renderer functions.

OnImguiDraw: number

Fired every time the game renders a frame with ImGui. Can be used to draw to the screen using ImGui functions.

OnTick: number

Fired every time the game update object. Can be used to run champion logic.

OnFastTick: number

Fired every time the game update object. Can be used to run champion logic. Faster than on tick, do not use if not necessary.

OnUnload: number

Fired when script unload. Make sure to dispose of your objects and clean up with this callback.

OnBeforeAttack: number

Fired before orbwalker want to attack someone.

OnAfterAttack: number

Fired when orbwalker finishes an attack.

OnIssueOrder: number

Fired when issuing movement or attack order.

OnCastHud: number

Fired on manual spell cast by the user (before OnSpellCast).

OnSpellCast: number

Fired on client-side spell cast.

OnSpellAnimationStart: number

Fired when a spell cast is started.

OnSpellCastComplete: number

Fired when a spell cast is finished.

OnSpellAnimationCancel: number

Fired when a spell cast is stopped.

OnUpdateMissile: number

Fired when missile is being updated. For example for Yuumi Q. You can edit the position.

OnChangeSlotSpellName: number

Fired when a spell slot name change.

OnEvolve: number

Fired when evolving a spell.

OnObjectCreate: number

Fired when GameObject is created.

OnObjectRemove: number

Fired when GameObject is removed.

OnPrintChat: number

Fired when a message is printed to game chat.

OnNewPath: number

Fired when when unit gets a new path.

OnGainLoseBuff: number

Fired when unit gains or loses a buff.

OnUpdateBuff: number

Fired when one of unit buffs is updated.

OnPlayAnimation: number

Fired when unit plays some animation.

OnNotify: number

Fired on various game events such as surrender vote.

OnSendPing: number

Fired when player pings something. This event can be cancelled similar to OnSpellCast or OnIssueOrder.

OnShowPing: number

Fired on any ping.

OnMinimapIconChange: number

Fired on minimap icon change.

OnEvade: number

Fired when Evade takes action to dodge something.

OnSkillshotCreate: number

Fired when Evade creates an instance of skillshot.