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Crowd control type.


Airborne: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa. you can remove stun effect by cleansing effects (except Cleanse), but you can't remove airborne movement part.after you removed stun effect and you can cast spells again - you can use any mobility spell to override airborne movement.

Blind: number

Makes you miss all your aa

Entangle: number

Root + disarm: can't move, can't use mobility spells, can't attack

Taunt: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't control aa.

Charm: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa

Fear: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa.

Flee: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa.

Ground: number

Can move but can't use mobility spells

Nearsight: number

Limits your vision

Root: number

Can't move, can't use mobility spells such as : dash / flash / teleport / shen R etc

Silence: number

Can't cast

Slow: number

Slows your movement

Stasis: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa, makes you untargetable. basically immunity (zhonya etc):

Stun: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa

Suppression: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa

Disarm: number

Can't aa

Cripple: number

Slows attack speed

Disrupt: number

Interrupt of channeled and charged spells

Knockdown: number

Not really a CC. puts you back on the ground from airborne or dash.It does not trigger Yasuo R.

Suspension: number

Same as airborne but can be fully removed by cleansing effects

Sleep: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa. interrupted if target takes damage.

Pacify: number

Disarm + silence: can't aa, can't cast

Polymorph: number

Disarm + silence + slow ? : can't aa, can't cast

Berserk: number

Can't move, can't cast, can't aa (like stun or charm). A unit that is berserk will attempt to perform basic attacks on a nearby unit regardless of being ally, enemy, or neutral for the duration.

Opener: number

Custom (fake) CC type which represents spells with opener capabilities. Such spells usually will be followed up by some dangerous combo. For example Lee Sin Q, Amumu Q and so on.