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Riven — The Exile

We are proud to present you our Riven champion script.

Key Features

  • ⚔️ Auto Q Stack / Q extension [Combo mode hotkey] - Riven will keep her Q up by re-casting at the end of CD on each Q cast, if CDR is atleast 30%, which is ~50 Ability Haste, and there are no enemy champions nearby.
  • 🤺 Combo mode - Riven will dynamically adjust her all-in combo to enemy and situation, for example using Flash/E to change position if multiple enemies can be killed with R2.
  • Burst Toggle - Oneshot combo, using Flash to reach the target if it's not close enough.
  • 💨 Riven will also check if it's possible to engage with Q3 instead of E/W during the fight.
  • R1 Block Toggle - prevents Riven from using R1 in Combo Mode/Kill Steal.
  • ⚔️ Advanced Q/E Evade - Integration with Evade to carefully choose the most optimal spell and direction/angle to dodge spells, as Riven's high mobility is also her main damage.
    • You can adjust the usage of Riven's Q/E to your personal needs in Evade settings.

Tips & Tricks

Here are some suggestions and tricks to use with this script.

  • At Lv 1, Riven always starts with Q, unless it's a poke/ranged matchup, in which she starts with E often.
  • Riven's Lv 1 with Fast Q combo is very powerful, easily capable of burning enemy Flash or getting First Blood, depending on the matchup.
  • In ranged matchups, try to stack Q manually (casting it when it's about to expire), as it will allow you to close the gap much easier. Riven script will Q stack if no enemy near, but on some matchup if you consider that you need it, might be good idea stack Q if you have enough CDR.
  • Riven's itembuild should consist of CDR, it's a very important (if not the most) stat for her.
  • You can toggle R1 Block to not cast R1 during trades at Lv 6+ if enemy is near their turret or you can't prolongate the fight long enough.
  • During Flee Mode, you can aim your mouse between you and the wall, you will be able to see walljump indicator, and if Riven's Q is ready, she will jump over the wall.
  • Riven can become one of the most difficult champions in the game, and she will require a bit of practice to get used to her kit and her limits, and since her damage is also her mobility, it can turn out deadly for you if you overextend.

Please feel free to report any bugs or post your suggestions on the forum in Riven — The Exile topic.