Game Classes
Reference for game classes and objects used in LS SDK.
📄️ AIBaseClient
Inherited from GameObject and AttackableUnit class.
📄️ AIHeroClient
Inherited from GameObject , AIBaseClient and AttackableUnit class.
📄️ AIMinionClient
Inherited from GameObject , AIBaseClient and AttackableUnit class.
📄️ AITurretClient
Inherited from GameObject , AIBaseClient and AttackableUnit class.
📄️ AttackableUnit
Inherited from GameObject class.
📄️ AvatarClient
AvatarClient class.
📄️ Buff
Buff class.
📄️ BuffManager
Buff Manager.
📄️ BuffScript
📄️ ChampionSpellNetworkData
ChampionSpellNetworkData singleton. Can be accessed via `ChampionSpellNetworkData.Instance()`.
📄️ CharIntermediate
CharIntermediate struct.
📄️ EffectEmitter
Effect object. Inherited from GameObject.
📄️ GameObject
Base entity class.
📄️ HeroStatsCollection
HeroStatsCollection struct
📄️ InventorySlot
InventorySlot struct
📄️ ItemData
ItemData struct
📄️ MissileClient
Inherited from GameObject class.
📄️ Perk
Perk class.
📄️ PerkInfo
PerkInfo class.
📄️ ProximityData
ProximityData struct. Used by TurretTracker.
📄️ ScriptBaseItem
ScriptBaseItem struct
📄️ Spell
Spelldata class.
📄️ SpellBook
SpellBook class.
📄️ SpellBookEntry
SpellBookEntry class.
📄️ SpellInfo
SpellInfo class.