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OnTick, OnFastTick and Ticks Delay setting


OnTick may be called less often than OnFastTick depending on Ticks Delay setting. Because of this some developers prefer to throw all their champion logic in OnFastTick instead of OnTick. This may cause performance issues if not done correctly.

Below you may observe an example from the profiler during the moment when I was holding spacebar using Lua champion script which mostly utilizes OnFastTick instead of OnTick:

Example where OnFastTick takes a lot of frame time


Use OnFastTick only when it is necessary for your champion and make sure the code inside OnFastTick handler is optimized, avoid calling any expensive functions (such as CreatePath for example). Ideally you should use it only situationally, for example for very precise and time sensitive logic.

Throw your logic in OnTick and let users decide what Ticks Delay setting to use.
If user wants better champion performance and sacrifice some FPS - user can go even with 1ms setting. Normally users should use at least 2-5ms. Right now default is 30ms, but it's a possibly subject to change.